Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A dose of my own medicine....

Incidentally, since my last post I have decided to follow my own advice and switch majors. I have been careful so far to take classes that allowed me to switch to other science majors without having to backtrack; and today I made the decision to switch my major to Biology. It can stand on its own and it will be quicker and easier than a physics major. Since beginning my first biology class this semester I discovered that I loved it and am better at it than physics. So, biology here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I'm sure you're great in both physics and biology, but you should go with the one you like better. I think I like biology better than physics too. However, if I was gonna go back and get a second major, I think I'd choose microbiology. That was my favorite.

    I like how you have the links to different web sites in your PA vs. MD post, so I decided to put some links in a recent post of mine as well. Keep up the good work!
