Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health care reform!

I've decided not to worry about what is going to happen with all of this health care reform. I tried to look into it and untangle how it would actually affect me as an MD but I was unable to do so. Cudos to everyone who is making their voice heard and helping to make the reform better for all of us, but I have chosen to just let things go forward and deal with whatever comes. I know what path I want to walk and I am going to continue down that path.
My experience in the Orthopedic Center as a volunteer has convinced me even more that I want to be a Family Practice doctor. The concept of picking just one specialty and focusing on it does not appeal to me as much as it used to. I am the kind of person that likes to know a little about a lot of different things, not necessarily everything about just one or two areas of specialty. My friends know me for my incessant spouting of random facts on various weird topics. The appeal of being a doctor that deals with all areas of medicine continues to excite me.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I just wanted to mention something I observed today about some of the staff in the ER. I overheard several staff members talking about a couple of patients that had died recently. Frankly, I was a little disturbed at how callous some of them seemed to be. I suppose that might be a defense mechanism or something. If you let every death give you trouble then you would be miserable working in the ER. Whatever the cause or reason, I never want to be like that. I don't want to become desensitized to someone else's pain. I hope I never do.