Thursday, February 26, 2009

Internet: "what rumors?"

So, the first conclusion I have come to in my search for basis in the rumors of healthcare doom is this: they didn't come from the internet. Searching google has not brought very many negative indications about the future of healthcare. So I have no idea where people are digging this stuff up. I did find the followig link:
both of which talk about how most doctors would not recommend their career to others. Odd because this article:
says that most parents and adults would recommend that kids become doctors.

So I'm even more confused than when I started. As evidence that I'm not crazy here's an actual anectdote of a warning from a friend I recently received:

He too wants to become a doctor. He's a little older than me and has the benefit of already having a job in the medical field as a rep for an orthopedic device manufacturer. His dad is an orthopedic surgeon. When I talked to him about all of this fear floating around he said that his dad told him it would probably be wise to switch to another field if Obama gets elected.

So the fear is out there. I just don't know where it is coming from. My next goal is to find out what exactly the democrats plan to do with the healthcare industry. Maybe that will help me root out the source of the paranoia.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Troubled waters...

The world is coming to an end! Healthcare will soon cease to exhist as democrats take control and totally destroy the medical field.... Or so I've heard.
I can't tell you how many times I've been warned that going into medicine is "risky" right now because, in the opinion of many, all that lies ahead is doom and gloom. I'm going to try to spend the next few weeks investigating these claims the best I can. Of course the future can't be predicted, but I have my suspisions that things aren't nearly as bad as many say. I sure hope not.
I do see a benefit from all of this paranoia. Less competition! If more of my classmates drop out of the running for medical school because of their fear, I guess I have better odds. The way I see it, people will always get sick. They will always want to get better. And they will need someone to help them with that. I see the healthcare industry growing as the population grows and ages, not falling to pieces under an "oppressive democratic regime."
We'll see what I dig up.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A dose of my own medicine....

Incidentally, since my last post I have decided to follow my own advice and switch majors. I have been careful so far to take classes that allowed me to switch to other science majors without having to backtrack; and today I made the decision to switch my major to Biology. It can stand on its own and it will be quicker and easier than a physics major. Since beginning my first biology class this semester I discovered that I loved it and am better at it than physics. So, biology here I come!