Friday, January 23, 2009

Where I'm at.

I'm off and running. 1 year of college under my belt with 3 to go before...more school. After that...more learning. Thus are the expectations of your average joe Pre Med student. I don't know if I stand out yet but hopefully by the time I apply to med schools I will. I'd say that is something that worries me now. It seems that the course to med school is crowded with a lot of talented people...and a lot of them know it and aren't too shy about showing it. I'd say I'm pretty average. I'm 21. I currently am cramming my brain at the University of Utah. I have a Pre-Medical Physics major (you should see people's faces when I spit that out). 3.8 GPA. It looks like I'll be applying for med schools in 2011 and graduating in 2012. Between now and then I'm going to try to fill my resume with community service, volunteer service, patient contact, physician shadowing, and leadership experiences. Hopefully I can do all that while still maintaining my sanity, having good old fashioned fun, and maybe even find a wife.

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